The fraud prevention feature allows you to set rules to flag suspicious reward redemptions.

These rules are evaluated when a recipient redeems their reward.

Any flagged rewards are placed in a queue for your review. All rewards in the queue are automatically blocked after 30 days.

Getting started

To set up new rules, click Fraud prevention > Settings in the left-hand menu.

These rules are enabled and calculated for each team separately. ‘Allow’ rules are evaluated first, followed by ‘Review’ rules.

UI to set up Fraud prevention rules

UI to set up Fraud prevention rules

When a recipient redeems their reward and triggers an ‘Allow’ rule, the reward skips the review queue.

If the reward triggers a ‘Review’ rule, it is flagged and placed in the review queue. Team admins will receive an email notification that a reward has been flagged.

You have 30 days to act on flagged rewards. After 30 days, the reward is automatically blocked and refunded.

Recipient experience of a flagged reward

Recipient experience of a flagged reward

Reviewing flagged rewards

To access the review queue, click Fraud prevention > Review queue in the left-hand menu.

You can click through each reward to release or block it. You can also use the Release/block by spreadsheet functionality to act on orders in bulk.

Review queue

Review queue

Frequently asked questions